Barbara Kris, M.S., C.N.

Hello All! I am Barbara Kris; a certified nutrition and weight loss coach, environmental & occupational health specialist, professional athlete and mother. 

I have over 18+ years experience in corporate America and hold a BS and MS in Environmental & Occupational Health. I use my expertise to teach you a sustainable lifestyle and clinically proven program that delivers the results you’ve dreamed of!

If you are fed up, confused, ready to stop the yo-yo dieting and depriving yourself of the foods you love, I’m the Coach for you! I meet you right where you are! Let’s connect and I can share more about how to combine foods you love, portion and time your meals throughout the day to maximize your health, energy and weight loss!

What is Diet Free Life?

Diet Free Life (DFL) is an evidence based, clinically proven methodology for weight loss, increased energy and improved overall health. Barbara Kris is a Nutrition and Weight Loss Coach who has been certified to teach the DFL methodology and trained in the psychology of coaching.
Get Healthier, Lose Weight and Live Happier with COACH BK
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100% Customized
Nutrition tailored to how your metabolism best loses weight
24/7 support and encouragement to include clear and realistic goals
Lose the weight, get healthier and live happier with BK FAT LOSS
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